Jul 9, 2012

Beach Week

You may have noticed from my Tweets over the last several days that we're at the beach with Grayson's extended family this week. Don't rob us while we're gone.

I'm going to try to post a few things while we're here, but for the first time ever, I won't be posting "beach posts" every day. At the end of Beach Week last year, a couple of family members requested that in 2012, we spend far less time on electronics and more time in fellowship with each other. Namely eating, gossiping, making fun of people who aren't in the room, and telling hilarious stories about when everyone was little.

It's weird for me to think about posting this week's events NEXT week, but I'm going to try it and see how it goes. It's either that, or not post about this week altogether ... and I know some of you out there would Simply Die if I did that.

For today, I thought I'd just link you back to Beach Week 2009, since many of you weren't reading back then. But I promise to try and post some new content this week, too.

Also, look for Tweets in the sidebar. I'll be Tweeting as much as I can, WHEN ALLOWED BY THE NON-BLOGGING, NON-TWEETING, NON-INSTAGRAMMING TYPES.

But I'm not bitter or anything.

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