Nov 7, 2011

A merry little giveaway!

** This giveaway is now closed. **

I am SO excited to share this with you guys today!

Our neighborhood is chock-full of talented people, and a mom in Nicholas' class has her own business, named PoppySeed Paper. Robin and her business partner Blake have offered to give one lucky Grass Stains reader 20 holiday cards!

I think their designs -- which are drawn by Robin, by the way, and totally original -- are wonderful!

I selected lots of images from their website that caught my eye ... I would be thrilled to have any of these cards!

To enter to win 20 cards in the design of your choice, leave a comment on this post.

And it's not a requirement to win, but I'd appreciate it if you'd visit their Facebook page and "like" it.

They occasionally do Facebook-only sales that you can take advantage of, so it would be worth your click!

Any Alabama fans out there?

And for you Auburn fans:

As I mentioned in a recent post, I love to shop locally and support Birmingham small business owners.

Robin and Blake certainly fit the bill, and their prices are very competitive. As a matter of fact, they're substantially lower than a lot of other online shops I've visited.

Although I'm only featuring the holiday cards today, they offer many other products, as well, including the cutest gift labels I've ever seen.

They also have personalized stationery, invitations, stickers, notepads and much more! 

If you haven't ordered your holiday cards yet, I hope you'll consider PoppySeed Paper this year!

Don't forget to leave your comment to enter to win!

I'll choose a winner at random on Wednesday, so check back then!


Grape News said...

If anything is cute it's the name of their company! Love it!

ginmommy said...

I'd love to win that! Those are cute!! :)

Shelby Baker said...

I LOVE everything!! I'm going to like them on Facebook right now! :)

Wade's World said...

Love, love, love!!! Those designs are so cute!

Kimberly said...

New blog follower here from Patrice's blog. Loved reading back about your adventures with boys, and now a sweet baby girl! And the cards, well, they are precious!

Keri said...

I'm live in B'ham and have followed their FB page for a their stuff!
I'm a fairly new follower of your seeing pictures and reading about your precious children!

magenta miles said...

Fun! I could look at card designs for hours! We will send out a handful of cards this year but seeing as baby #2 is due around Christmas, we are waiting for baby announcements!

HandyFamily said...

I have been putting off buy cards because I just couldn't find any I liked. I just found the one! Thanks for sharing with us!

Anonymous said...

Super cute! I'd love to win, too! I've always wanted to send out photo cards, but never have.

odellfamilyof6 said...

I love all of the designs. I've been waiting to find just the right cards and am sure I would have trouble picking just one! I would love to win. Thanks.

crigs said...

Since Jay and I have NEVER sent Christmas cards in 14 years of marriage, I think we should win...get things started right! :)

Sewconsult said...

Those cards are all great. I know anyone would be fortunate to win the choice.

shanemotb said...

Those are AWESOME! I will be ordering from them this year!

Shane, Momma of twin boys Alex and Sam

Jami said...

Beautiful! I will be looking into these as well this year.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you peruse the Internet/businesses for me so I can just take your recommendations and run with them! You save me so much time!

Carrie said...

These are very cute, inspires me to dress the girls up for their holiday photo. Okay, dress them then chase them to get the photo....

Stefanie said...

Super cute cards!

Nanny said...

I would love to have those cards, so cute.

Brooks said...

The cards are so cute! I'd love to win. My bad mother confession: last Christmas I never got around to cards!

Brenda said...

These are so beautiful, would love to have some! Thank you in advance for picking me :)

Unknown said...

So cute! What adorable designs! Thanks for sharing, I love finding great small shops to buy from. I would love to win.

Natalie said...

those cards totally rock!! awesome!! I really think that you should pick me!! ha ha oh yea..I liked their fb page also!!!

Amanda said...

These are ADORABLE! I cant believe she draws the designs herself!

Chris Zeller said...

I would love to win!


Dawn said...

There are some really cute designs there. It is so hard to find a great Christmas Card!!

Gail said...

These cards are sooo nice! This will make the 30th consecutive year I have sent "picture" Christmas cards. Now my cards include my granddaughter!

Gail from Annapolis, MD

Lacy said...

I miss getting to read your blog every day but I do check in every once in a while!!!

LisaL said...

Hope I'm not too late to get in! I LOVE picking out Christmas cards!! Getting all 3 kids to smile AND look at the camera for the picture... well, that's work!!

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