Mar 8, 2011


I'm coming up for air long enough to point you to this post over at Tater Tales. I love it mainly for the paragraph, "David and Tater Tot were running errands Saturday afternoon and I asked if they'd stop at the grocery for milk and bread, as we were dangerously low on both. This is what they came back with," which was followed by this photo:

You should go read the whole post, but that was my favorite part because, truth be told, if you asked ME to go to the store to pick up milk and bread, that's the kind of thing I would come home with, too. Well, not right NOW, when just looking at food is enough to make me sick, but you know, any other time.

For those who've been kind enough to Tweet or e-mail to ask, the status is: I'm throwing up two to three times a day, which actually is not bad compared to previous pregnancies. The Zofran keeps it from being constant. I've lost four pounds, and I'm entering Week 11 today. Weeks 11 through 13 are typically my worst, so I'm battening down the hatches. So far I am still working, although I can tell you right now, the three women in cubes closest to me probably wish I wasn't.

I won't be able to be here much, but you can either follow me on Twitter or just look at my Twitter feed in the sidebar once a day or so to see if I'm still alive. (I plan to be.)


Rachel said...

Ugh! I feel for you! Hope today things stay down well.

Green Door Girl said...

thinking of you.... i hope you can get through the next two weeks quickly!

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