Dec 30, 2010

I've never

1. Been to Europe

2. Had a beer (although does Mike's Hard Lemonade count? because Honor made me drink one of those last summer)

3. Tried any type of illegal drug

4. Smoked a cigarette

5. Ridden on a motorcycle

GAWD I AM BORING. Of course there are a million things I haven't done and places I haven't been, but these are the ones I think other people are more likely to have done, and therefore make me look like more of a goody-two-shoes or just weirder (whichever way you choose to look at it).

I'm pretty sure that up until 2005, I could have added a Number 6, which would have been "I've never said the F-word out loud where anyone could hear me." But then we went to Hawaii and a bunch of coral attacked me in the ocean while I was snorkeling and almost broke my kneecap off my body, and Grayson and perhaps some other nearby snorkelers got an EARFUL.

'Fess up. What have you never done?


Wade's World said...

I've never done 1-4 on your list, but I have been on a motorcycle.

And the other thing I've never done is gotten a tattoo. I told myself that I was either going to get a tattoo or get pregnant in September. I got pregnant, so now the tattoo has to wait until after June!

Lacy said...

I've been to Europe... I've never done 2-4 on your list. I've been on a few motorcycles(Hubby used to have one).

Sarah T. said...

Mike's Lemonade isn't a beer--it's MALT LICK-AH! Nice.

Tamar SB said...

I am with you on 2-5. Been to England once and have always wanted to ride a motorcycle. Glad to now I am not the only one!


Carry Grace said...

I haven't done 2-4 either.

My in-laws used to live and Europe and my Dad has and husband used to have a motorcycle, so I've done that.

I have never been ice skating.

trishandwade said...

I'm with ya on 2-4. Went to Italy a few years ago, and grew up riding on the back of Dad's motorcycle. Hubby has one, too, so I'm STILL stuck riding the back. Never successfully driven a motorcycle though.

Jessie said...

Wow. I've done everything on your list. I must be bad...

Caroline @ The Feminist Housewife said...

Hehe!! Your post made me laugh. I have scars from barnacles....definitely know that there is swearing involved. Haha! = )

Happy New Year! Hope this year holds many adventures for you.

Sewconsult said...

With you on all 6, but I've come close to the 6th one, but never the actual word. Miss the wine coolers since on some meds that don't mix.
Happy New Year.

Erin said...

I've never been bowling, driven a stick shift, or eaten an olive.

I have, however, gone skinny dipping while drinking beer in Europe.

It all evens out in the end, I guess.

Rachel said...

I've done 1 and 2. Never done 3-5. I've never been to Hawaii. I've never been skydiving or bungee jumping. Where do I sign up?

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