May 13, 2010

Enjoying Jonah

Every evening after supper, I sit down with Jake at my laptop and we look at Patrice's blog so he can see Jonah. He LOVES Jonah.

Last night I asked him to point out to me all the different things in some of her recent pictures, but he'd already looked at it once and told me about everything, so he wasn't as interested. Also, I think at the beginning he said "balloons" but I thought he was trying to say "flowers," but as you can see, his words aren't always that intelligible. Still, I wanted you guys to be able to see how much he enjoys seeing Jonah almost every day.

This is one of the reasons that I'm so thankful for blogs ...


Patrice said...

OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS! THAT is the cutest thing in all of history. I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE BEACH. These two are going to have so much fun. This is why I love blogs too. I don't know how I'd get by without the toothless, dimpled, pudgy (pudgey... yes, sad that I need the comments to have a spell check) sweet goodness that is your three boys.

Sarah T. said...

That is too adorable for words.

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