We hung around for a few minutes and chatted with Jake's teachers before The Gala started, and then all of a sudden, it was time.
The 3-year-old and 4-year-old classes performed before Nick's class, and then his class sang six songs.
They had some kickin' choreography, too.
You can see that they were in perfect unison.
Well, 50 percent's not bad.
Here's unprofessionally-shot footage of the class singing. If you'll allow me to say so, they're a hot mess.
Grayson couldn't get away from work to be there for the performance, so I had Jake in my lap and Nathaniel in the chair next to me. Following is what happens when you're videotaping with a Jakey in your lap:
And lastly, you may have noticed in the program that Nicholas had a leading role. He read a whole book from start to finish to the group. Now, from the video you won't be able to tell what the book is about, if he read it aloud, or really, if he can read at all. You'll just have to take my word for it.
Kids' programs are so much fun!
I'm so proud of Nick!
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