Some people, curious people, might drive up closer to try to see what in the world is the source of all the mess, wondering why we've been willing to endure it and the associated road-rerouting that has been the bane of our existence for over a year.

And my friends, I am here to tell you, it is because THIS is coming:

Not only is it coming, but it is coming in its most superior form, THIS:

It would not be overstating it to say that I expect this to be the highlight of the fourth quarter of the year for me -- aside from celebrating The Birth of Our Lord and Savior, I mean. Did I mention that THIS IS ONLY ONE MILE FROM OUR HOUSE? Hallelujah and Amen.
Is jealousy a sin? Just kidding. :) The closest Target for us is about 40 min. away!!
I'm definitely covetous right now....
I have to drive to Boise today for an all-day CLE tomorrow, and all I can think about is going to Target. You really miss it when you don't have one within 4 hours of you.
"Thou shalt not covet my SuperTarget."
Target! Target! Target! That was my Target chant. Do you like it?
Yippee! But I did hear today that Kohl's and Lowes have pushed back until 2012. In other words, NEVER. Very disappointing.
Ah-peece, Yes, I LOVE your Target chant. Do you think they'll think I'm weird if I use it on opening day as I enter the automatic doors and step onto the virgin linoleum?
Lisa, I heard that; I think it was in the paper yesterday. I'm disappointed that they're holding off, but they shouldn't be backing off altogether. They've already spent a lot of money on it, so I think they'll build eventually. Also, as long as Chick-fil-A, BBVA Compass and Target are there, my life will improve by approximately 10%. Good enough.
this is very possibly one of the best blog posts i've ever seen.
i also love the fact that i was skimming through your comments and saw the target chant and thought "that sounds a lot like patrice's chat" and then i saw who posted it...
I am jealous. I am still hoping for one around the corner from our house. Yay for you!
Yes, it is going to be a very good day!!!! Every time I drive by, well, I get a little misty!
P.S. Did you know that there is going to be a Newk's there, too??? Yep, that's the rumor.
Sarah, That does not surprise me, since I think I am a Crump sister who was just separated from you all at birth.
Leigh, YOU HAVE NO IDEA how much I'm looking forward to this. I am literally stalking the property. Did you SEE my UPS post? I'm not above stalking.
Megan, I hadn't heard about Newk's, but we eat at the downtown location often. I like it, and the prices are reasonable. AND it's kid-friendly. That would be a great addition to The Grove!
Dude, I just left my CLE for 2 hours and went to the Boise Target. I won't say exactly how much money I dropped, but it starts with a five and ends with a hundred.
But I figure if I'm only going to get a Target trip once a year, splurging like that is okay. If today's visit was spread out to 12 trips a year (once a month), that would only be $41 per month, which is nothin' at Target.
Target flippin' rules.
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