Apr 24, 2009

Help Jonah ... buy a magnet!

Today we're launching an exciting (to us!) new way to support Matt and Patrice and let the world know that you're praying for Jonah! Patrice's brother Peyton designed a magnet that you can use at home (on your fridge) or on the road (on your car), and it is so cute:

If you would like to help support Jonah and let others know that you’ve joined his fight, please purchase a magnet for $10. In addition to supporting the Williams family, 10% of the net proceeds from magnet sales will be donated to DEBRA, the Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa Research Association of America.

Use the PayPal link on the right (under the "Praying for Jonah" button) to order one or more. (The magnet is about 5 inches in diameter.) They will be available in two weeks and will be shipped directly to you.

Patrice will be posting the link on her blog soon, so you can order from here or there. We are also working on updating her blog so that the magnet-ordering and other support options will have their own page, to make it easier for those who want to contribute to Jonah's care to do so.

We've created a flier to post in local businesses and give to people who might be interested in buying a magnet. If you'd like me to e-mail it to you so you can share it with your Bible study, church, friends, co-workers, etc., please e-mail me at stainsofgrass at yahoo dot com, and I'll be happy to e-mail it to you in PDF format.

THANKS for supporting and praying for Jonah!

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