I am about to bring new meaning to the word "minutia."
It's been a couple of years since I noticed that Grayson eats hamburgers the wrong way. We'd probably been married 10 or 11 years when one night, I realized that he was eating his hamburger upside-down. And by upside-down, I mean that the bottom bun was facing down, with the top bun pointing skyward. Like so:

WHOA. No, no, no. Noooooo.
Clearly this was my opportunity to educate him. When you eat a burger, you pick it up and bring it toward you with the bottom bun facing up, like so:

(Did you notice how the cheese defied gravity?) But even with a visual aid, Grayson insisted that he eats them the right way. He says, to this day, that if you eat them my way, the condiments hit your tongue in a different order, and it completely changes the taste of the burger. To prove that I'm nothing if not open to change [Grayson: "Liar."], I reversed my burger and tried it his way. And it felt completely wrong. Like going to the grocery store without wearing a bra.
How do you eat your burgers?
I'm indifferent; I just wanted to point out and appreciate that you guys are eating Johnny Rockets hamburgers.
Excellent choice.
You made this up. I have known you for 32 years, and I have NEVER seen you eat a burger upside down. Grayson's right, you are a liar. I hereby accuse you of manufacturing your personality for the sake of your blog.
That being said, Grayson eats it correctly.
Knowing Grayson is quite the connoisseur of all kinds of cuisine, I tend to think that you are the one who is eating your cheeseburger incorrectly.
I echo Sarah's comments. You're just a liar. :-)
Well, I eat my burgers as your husband, because I put so many tomatoes on my burger(on the same side as the condiments to get a proper sauce mixture) that my hamburgers are a juicy mess, and if I turned them over, I would have to increase my napkin-on-hand count from 20 to 40.
It was great to meet you last night! Have a great week!
OK, I can come to my friend's defense here and say, "Katherine is not a liar, I noticed her strange way of eating hamburgers years ago."
Grayson and Sarah, you need to lay off! She needs help, not criticism!
I love you, Kat. And if you ever need to talk, don't hesitate to call!
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