Nov 23, 2015


I'm so sorry I disappeared on you without a word last week, Internet.

It was purely unintentional.

You might have noticed if you follow me on Twitter or if you check my sidebar occasionally for Twitter updates that I spent three days last week on Hilton Head Island with two of my closest friends, Cough and Fever.

Well, I was there with real people, too. But have you ever been to an island and stayed in a beachfront condo and not even SEEN the beach? I can now say I have done that.

We arrived Saturday and departed Tuesday, and I never saw nor set foot on the sand. I DID, however, eat some AMAZING cinnamon roll bread pudding. Uh huh. You read that right.

Cinnamon. Roll. Bread. Pudding.

I also learned how to play Farkle! Because you can do that sitting down and expending almost zero energy. I tell you what, I was a JOY to be with last week. A JOY.

I hope not to be quite as absent around these parts this week. I missed you guys.

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