Nov 21, 2012

Grandparents' Day

Since I covered Nick's Ironman Turkey with you earlier this week, I really ought to give one of Nathaniel's recent projects a little airtime, too.

His class has been working on an Around-the-World project for several weeks now, and he was assigned the Pearl Harbor Memorial for his personal project. He had to prepare a report, a scrapbook page and a 3-D model as part of the project, and he presented it on his school's Grandparents' Day.

We put crushed shells in the bottom of a clear Tupperware container, painted a balsa-wood canoe brown and weighed in down with ball bearings, carved a piece of white foam to look like the memorial itself, and added blue food coloring to water to finish it off.

Nathaniel and his classmates presented their projects several times during the day to the grandparents who visited their classroom. The signed and stamped the grandparents' "passports" according to what country their landmark was in, and apparently everyone had a great time. (Parents weren't invited.)

We got to see all of the projects that night at Open House. We took Nick, Jake and Amelia, and my parents joined us again for the evening, even though they'd already seen all of the projects.

 Pearl Harbor! In 3-D! Not exactly to scale, but let's not split hairs, Internet.

My dad took this cute picture of Nick and Nathaniel with Nathaniel's beloved teacher, Mrs. E. Isn't she cute as a button?

We also got to visit Nick's classroom as part of Open House. He LOVES his teacher, Mrs. P. How precious is SHE? Too cute for words.

She has grown children, if you can believe that. I know. She looks 19. Ridonkulous. I'm her Room Mom, and every time I see her, I feel like I could be her ACTUAL mom.

My parents went back the following day to have lunch with Nick, because as part of Grandparents' Day, they'd eaten lunch with Nathaniel the day before. And Nick, who wouldn't wipe the table at home under the threat of death, was assigned "cafeteria cleanup" that day. So my dad memorialized it for me.

Two weeks later, I still can't believe my eyes. Looks like Nick can't, either.

I'm so glad my parents got to come experience such a fun couple of days with the boys! And since we'll have at least one child in elementary school for the next, oh, 12 years, there's plenty more where that came from.

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