Dec 8, 2011

Stuffing and licking envelopes

That's what I've been doing the last few days, and I need to take today to finish.

BLECH. But it's for a good cause. Those Christmas cards aren't gonna mail themselves, so it's up to me to finish the job.

While I'm thinking about it, how many Christmas/holiday cards do you send? I send 350. That's not a typo. Three hundred and fifty.

Am I the only one?

In place of anything more fascinating today, I would like to point you to a post I wrote last year, which -- to me -- is THE BEST CHRISTMAS STORY OF ALL TIME.

If you weren't here last year, I invite you to read about my dad's experience with the Salvation Army's Angel Tree.


Anonymous said...

I just read the best Christmas story and i have goose bumps. Wow. What a feeling to see that little card that fell off the tree and to know that you purchased just the right gift for the child. Wow.

Sewconsult said...

We send out somewhere around 40 or 50. I cut way back some years ago, but we never sent out as many as you do. Heck, the last time that I got close to that number of licks was our wedding invitations!

Anonymous said...

What in the world? 350 cards??? That is nuts. ;) I send out 30 MAX. I need more friends, I guess. LoL

tarheelmom said...

Holy smokes...I almost choked on my Dr. Pepper when I read 350! I send out 30, maybe 40! I'm feeling like The Hessey's who said, "I need more friends, I guess"! I don't even think I have 350 family and friends that I could send them to! You're a popular gal!

Amanda said...

Oh my I just went back and re-read that story and am sobbing! How sweet!!

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