Sep 26, 2011

Live-blogging: Amelia's birth story

Well, I don't really know how this is going to go, since I didn't have a blog when I was delivering the boys. But I'm going to give it a shot.

Basically I'm starting now and will do my best to keep updating this same post until Amelia arrives. Hopefully I'll be able to include pictures sporadically, but again, this is all-new to me and it may just be brief text until I can come back in and add pictures tomorrow. We've already had a substantial change of plans, so I can't make any promises!

I got my IV around 11:00 last night, and then I felt more prepared for things to move along at whatever pace they needed to. You can't get an epidural until you have your IV (which I found out the hard way with Jake, when I REALLY needed my epidural but they'd stuck me six times for my IV and my veins kept blowing out ... loooooooong wait but finally stick number seven on the underside of my second wrist "took"), so getting the IV in successfully last night was a step in the right direction.

I have to say, it was really odd being at the hospital by myself overnight. I didn't want Grayson to spend a sleepless night in the room with me, so we'd decided in advance that he and my sister would stay at the house with the boys, drop them off for school today and then join me in L&D as soon after 8:00 as they could arrive. Still, it almost made me feel like I wasn't having a baby, since I was here alone and there wasn't a lot of hoopla. I wouldn't change it though ... I think we'll all have a happier day today for it.

On to what else has happened so far: 

2:05 a.m. - My water broke! That meant that the contractions started coming harder, and since they were already pretty strong, I was dreading it.

4:00 a.m. - Even with continued strong contractions, I still wasn't dilating, so my nurse did an ultrasound. SURPRISE! Amelia is transverse, meaning that she's sideways and won't be able to turn head-down for a vaginal delivery. She's going to be a c-section ... my first!

4:40 a.m. - I got my epidural! They were feeling sorry for me because I'd been contracting for so long, so I got my beloved epidural.

5:15 a.m. - I called Grayson to tell him the news. I am now waiting on him to get the kids off to school at 7:00 and then head over to the hospital. We think the section will be around 8:00.

WELL. That whole "live-blogging" thing kind of got shot out of the water when I went from vaginal to c-section. Sorry!

I'll do my best to fill in the blanks now.

6:00 to 7:30 a.m. - I got to sleep for the first time! It wasn't a peaceful sleep, but I'm grateful to have gotten any at all.

7:35 a.m. - The nurse and CRNA came in to prep me for surgery.

8:05 a.m. - Grayson arrived and got gowned and masked up, and the nurses rolled me down to the OR.

8:07 a.m. - Thus began a terrible experience that I don't want to re-live. I think the section went as well as it could have, and the end result is a happy, healthy baby. However, the epidural significantly affected my diaphragm -- and therefore, my ability to breathe -- and it also made me severely nauseated. Those of you who have done it -- and in many cases CHOSE the Section Path -- I applaud you. I couldn't do it again.

8:20 a.m. - Amelia Gray was born! I had to wait several minutes to meet her, but when I saw her, it was love at first sight. She is beautiful! (There was a flat-screen monitor beside me so I could see what was going on.)

Amelia Gray
7 pounds, 6 ounces
20.75 inches long

8:22 a.m. - The long process of closing me up began. Amelia was allowed to be bundled up and sent out with Grayson, but I was another 20 minutes or so in terms of recovery before I could truly go to the Recovery Room.

8:50 a.m. - I was wheeled to Recovery, where Amelia and I did an hour of skin-to-skin contact and she took her first bottle.

9:50 a.m. - We moved up a floor to the room we'll be in until Thursday. (I wouldn't have thought just a week ago that I'd be in the hospital from Sunday to Thursday. Just goes to show that the best-laid plans ...)

9:55 a.m. - My parents and sister came in to have some quality time with our new little star. Everyone had a chance to hold her and love on her. She loved every second of it.

12:25 p.m. - The nurse is prepping Amelia for her first bath! It will be done here in our room, and I'll be sure to take pictures.

We have lots of pictures already, but most of them are on other people's cameras. I'll have to see what I can come up with for you for tomorrow.

Most importantly, THANK YOU ALL for your thoughts and prayers in the days leading up to today, as well as today. Your Tweets, e-mails and comments have meant so much to me! You are really a special little corner of the Internet, and I look forward to continuing to share this journey with you.


Laura a.k.a. Lolly said...

Praying for you and a safe delivery for Amelia! I've had 4 c-sections ...all very different experiences and recoveries so if you have any questions Or concerns, I'm your girl to ask! You'll do great! And soon you'll have a baby girl! How exciting!!

Jami said...

Sounds similar to my first, strong contractions and no dialating. I'll say a prayer for you! As long as you take it easy recovery isn't too bad, and you should get an extra two weeks paid off :).

Wade's World said...

Praying for you and Amelia. I guess being number 4, and the only girl, she had to shake things up a bit! I'll keep you in my prayers today, and I look forward to the updates as you can give them. ((Hugs))!

Beth, Joshua, Isabella, McKinley and AnnaKate said...

Oh my. What a twist - literally. Prayers for all.

Emily A. Clark said...

Praying for a wonderful delivery! You are the woman--birthing, blogging and tweeting all at the same time :)

Carrie said...

Praying that ev everything goes well and that you have a speedy recovery.


Hope everything turns out OK.....I can't believe you are still blogging.....what can't you do :)

Mama Bear said...

Prayers coming your way! Can't wait to hear the next update!

Martha said...

How exciting! It's 8:14 and I bet she's already in your arms! I can't wait to hear more.

brightleigh said...

Praying for you and Amelia....both of mine were will get along fine, you will feel very old for a few days, but otherwise I am sure you will be fine! Good luck and looking forward to hearing from you!

magenta miles said...

I'm tearing up! (I'm pregnant so when am I not...) but so excited to hear about the new life God is bringing into this world TODAY! My prayers are with you and can't wait to check back later today!

Janet said...

Read on your twitter sidebar that Amelia is here! Congratulations on your new baby girl!

Gail said...

Congratulations!!!! Can't wait to see pictures.

Sewconsult said...

Stopping and praying that all went well. After being a mom to all those boys, I think that you can handle the c-section. I had 2 and a hysterectomy in 5 yrs. Hugs to you and all.

Amy said...

Best wishes for the safe delivery of your sweet girl!

ginmommy said...

Sorry you had a hard time :( However, she is beautiful! I hope you recover quickly.

Katie said...

Congrats Kat! She is absolutely beautiful! Hope you are feeling ok, or at least on some good drugs! :) Give that baby girl a kiss from the Frees!

Green Door Girl said...

Beautiful!!!! congrats and like they say "best laid plans"....
I love her full name - she is such a doll, I am sure the boys are over the moon excited and can't wait to meet her this afternoon!

Martha said...

She is SO beautiful! Congratulations!!! I'm looking forward to seeing more pictures - but you rest first! The internet can wait! -Martha

Jami said...

Congratulations!!!! I know it didn't go according to plan, but in the end you have a beautiful baby girl in your arms and that is all that matters! I always try to look on the bright side, maybe those pesky little hemmies will go away :). I don't know what your "drug" of choice is, but Loratabs were my best friend after my c-section!

Erin said...

Happy birthday, Amelia!

Congratulations to your whole, wonderful, giant family. What an amazing day for all of you.

{And I'm sending you special thoughts for a restful and speedy recovery.}

Gail said...

Amelia is simply BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy your one-on-one time with her. Praying for a speedy recovery from the C-section. Amelia's big brothers must be so excited!

Wanda Wilkinson said...

She is as beautiful as her name. So precious. Take it easy and let everyone spoil you while you spoil Amelia Grace.

Jenny said...

She's so precious!!! Congrats!

Pati @ A Crafty Escape said...

CONGRATULATIONS! She is absolutely beautiful. I'm sorry that you didn't have the delivery you expected/wanted, however the end result is a cutie pie. I'm wishing you the best of luck with the recovery!

Amanda said...

I didnt see this post before I commented on the last! She is ADORRRRABLE! Congrats again and again!!! (And you are uh-mazing for the c-section, my mom had 4 and they are no walk in the park!)

cpaoutsourcing said...

Congrats Kat! she looks really beautiful.
outsourcing bookkeeping

trishandwade said...

Congratulations!! She is beautiful and perfect. I'm so happy for you and your family, and can't wait to see pics of the boys with her. Seeing her makes me ache for the next 3 weeks to fly by so I can finally hold my little girl in my arms!!

RLR said...

Sorry you aren't loving the c-section/recovery. I had two, and great recoveries, and was hoping for the same for you.
On the bright side - happy, healthy, beautiful girl!
Awesome to have the monitor in the OR - they didn't have those when our kids were born and wouldn't place a mirror above my head so I could see over the curtain. Apparently that was not a request they'd received before.
Congrats to all, and best wishes for a smooth-from-here-on-out recovery!

Wade's World said...

Amelia is beautiful! I'll be praying that you have a speedy recovery. So happy for y'all!!

Anonymous said...

so emotional and so fun!
i'm a bit weird about posting pics of kids on the internet so maybe i'm just uber conservative but i'd blur out the one of her money shot! while i'm sure everyone on your blog is sweet, normal, ppl you know etc. there is always the chance to some creppy person!
just a thought! Willa

Ole Miss Mom said...

Congrats!! I know y'all are thrilled she's here!!

Rachel said...

She's beautiful!! Congratulations!!

I was super sick during my first C, too - it was quite horrendous. But really, I prefer that to the second one, where I was under anesthesia. Oh well..what can you do?

I can't wait to see more pictures!!

Emily A. Clark said...

She is just beautiful! Gives me a little baby fever :) Hope you all are having a great first week at home.

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