Nov 21, 2010

Perhaps ALL graffiti isn't bad ...

This reminds me of the time my friend Vanessa and I were arguing over where to eat lunch and I said, "Let's do rock-paper-scissors for it." And she looked at me like I was nuts.

She'd never heard of that game before. CLEARLY THESE KIDS HAVE.


RLR said...

The high school nearest our house has a graffiti-ed (nope, I don't think that's really a word...) rock out front. My favorite selection so far was at the beginning of this school year, when the class of 2011 redecorated with "fina11y" (did you notice the ones masquerading as lower-case Ls?). However, the one you have posted tops any high school rock graffiti that I've ever seen!

paige said...


Vanessa never played paper rock scissors? Please tell me you educated her.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Ryan Leigh, yeah, this graffiti really entertained me! I'm all about clever graffiti, apparently.

Paigie, NO, V had never even heard of the game. I educated her, and she looked at me like, "White people are crazy."

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