Apr 9, 2010

How I know Jake was put out with me for working at home

It's no secret that this has been a rough week. Over-committed and under-energized, I'm afraid. The eggs that are still in the fridge, waiting on me to boil them and the boys to dye them, are proof positive that I am truly behind on Life right now.

Monday night I worked until almost 10:00, but I've tried to leave the office by 5:30 the rest of the week. Only glitch was Wednesday night, when I had to do a little work before the boys went to bed. I had my laptop on the couch and was sitting with the boys to try to "soak them up" while I dashed off a few e-mails before people turned their Blackberries off for the night.

While I was in the middle of an e-mail, Jakey reached over and pushed the Power button in the middle of my laptop. That laptop shut right down.

Me: "JAKEY! What did you DO?"

Jake: "Ah duh, Mama."

Me: "Oh, I'm all done, am I?"

Jake: "Yep."

So I guess someone schooled ME in Mommy Etiquette. No more working before their bedtime again!


Christine said...

I came across your blog while reading Baby Jonah's blog. I love reading yours because my hubby and I have a 7 year old and a 2 year old...both boys, and we seem to have the same experiences as your family!!

Anyways, I was commenting on your latest post because our 2 year old does the same thing when I try to work on my laptop in the evenings...he pushes the power button to turn it off, and then tells me "It's dead."

Have a great day!!

Sarah T. said...

I wish I could've seen that. What a cutie.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Christine, welcome to Grass Stains! I'm glad you're here AND glad you commented. Comments make it worth the while to blog! I love "It's dead." That's a great one!

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