I'd been waiting and waiting and was so happy to see the boy and girl designs when they were posted.

And then I ordered ours, and they arrived yesterday! So adorable.
The boys are already clamoring to wear them, but I'm trying to hold them off until the Easter Egg Hunt at our house next Sunday. Since they're white (she only uses white shirts because the printing is so unpredictable on other colors), they're really hard to keep clean and I like to hold onto them until the last possible moment. Then they can wear them as often as they want. Hence, I have children who wear pumpkin and ghost shirts from Halloween through Labor Day of the following year.
The more practical shirts of my OTHER favorite Etsy shop that sells personalized cuteness -- 3 Ts and Me -- come in all different colors. The pumpkin shirts that you've seen many, many times here (including at baseball practice just last week) came from 3 Ts. And Nathaniel's "very favoritest shirt of all time" came from 3 Ts:
Every time we do laundry, he digs through the clean clothes to find it. "Miss H is going to be SO HAPPY my Nathaniel shirt is clean. It's HER favorite shirt, too."
3 Ts doesn't have any shirts listed today, but she has PLENTY of adorable dresses that I would snap up in approximately one-thousandth of a second if I had a girl. SUCH AS:


And this is totally not germane to this post at all, but I just had to share this moment from last night after I tucked the boys in:
There are few things that give me more pleasure than seeing our boys enjoying books so much. This is how they end every single evening, in bed reading side by side. LOVE.
Speaking of, I was thinking of starting Harry Potter with them (me reading it to them) sometime soon, since LEGO Harry Potter comes out for the Wii this Summer. I haven't read the books myself and wondered if any of you have. Thoughts?
I have and I really enjoyed them. They seem fun enough for kids and complex enough for adults (the ones that are kids like me). I think your boys would love them.
Love Harry Potter books and I have been planning to read them to my son also when he is old enough (he's only 2.5 now). Enjoy!
Let me know what your final verdict is! I'm going to keep checking the comments to hear everyone's opinions. :)
I've read them all three times, the first three once in Spanish. :) Kim is reading them to her kids right now and taking a little break before starting the more mature ones. I think 1-3 would be appropriate now, but you may want to wait. Four starts getting a little darker.
I read the Harry Potter books to my five year old brother over Skype. Every night he asks my mom if we can "call Amanda so we can learn more about Harry and his friends". So ya I'd say they are ready for it. :)
Agree with Patrice that by Book 4, things are definitely not as little-kid-friendly. My 7 year old loved the first one. Have you heard of the Horrible Hiccup series by Cressida Cowell? They are a HUGE hit around here (it's about a viking and his dragon--there's actually a movie coming out based on the first book, How to Train Your Dragon, although my understanding is that it's nothing like the book. But I digress). Really fun series--give it a shot!
My husband and I were having this discussion earlier in the week... I'm thinking perhaps 2nd grade to begin the series, but just the first few books. However, I'd probably have to lock the rest away once we get started - he'll want to know what happens in the rest of the books!
I read the first one years ago and liked it, but didn't read the rest because I figured it would be more of the same.
Rowling has an incredible imagination, and writes about food in a way that's almost pornographic (not sexual, but she really knows how to make you intensely crave imaginary British sweets with her descriptive language). So don't be surprised if you want to raid the boys' treat basket after you leave their room. For rill.
That is so wonderful...a teacher's dream! WOW - wouldn't it be wonderful if all children AND parents ended nights like this?! Education would be a totally different ballgame then!
Here's what gets me about the Potter: I haven't read the books but I have seen the first three movies. I LOVED the first movie. The second one was a little dark for me. The third one was WAY too dark for me. Not just the subject matter, but the actual directorial and cinematography choices ... I felt like I was buried alive during the whole grey thing. The visual experience of a movie has a WHOLE lot to do with how much I enjoy it overall.
So that experience with the movies soured me on the concept of reading the books. And I worry that if we start with one book, they won't be satisfied until we read them all. So your comments are helping me!
Amy, looking up Horrible Hiccups now!
The books are addicting, so if you are planning on stopping after book 3, I'd just wait until you are ready to read them all or you might find yourself being bugged by the boys to continue every night. If you're an avid reader, you could get through the books pretty fast to "proof" them before and make your own opinion.
I never saw the movies for the reason you mentioned- I read the books first, absolutely loved them, and thought a movie could never match what I had created in my mind.
Love your pics of the kids reading in bed.
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