I'd just put a can of ravioli on the electric can opener when Nicholas banged through the kitchen door and ran over to give me a hug. Of course I love the hugs, so I bent down and hugged him fiercely, then asked him about his day. About that time, I heard a loud CRASH and felt something wet hit the top of my head, my shoulder and my back.
I turned around to see that the can opener had completed its circuit of the can top, then dropped it 18 inches onto the granite countertop (hence, the CRASH), which apparently caused the approximately two cups of tomato sauce in the can to explode onto me, the countertop and the floor.
I grabbed some paper towels, asked everyone to stay still (YOU TOO, JAKEY), and started to wipe up the floor before too much of it could be tracked into other rooms. I wish I'd had the presence of mind to take pictures of it, because you WOULD NOT BELIEVE how much sauce had splashed out of that little can.
Anyway, I finally got it all cleaned up, and we continued on with our evening. As I was washing the dishes later, Scout came over and meowed up at me. I looked down at him, and I realized that he wasn't looking AT me; he was looking PAST me, up at the ceiling.
Seriously, it looked like something out of CSI or Law & Order. It was like a blood spatter pattern.
I grabbed one of our bar chairs and pulled it over and worked on the spots with a damp cloth. Within five minutes, it looked as good as new.
OR NOT. Here's the problem with trying to clean a popcorn ceiling: you can't do it because water breaks the ceiling down. That nice new dark spot on the far left is where it popped a piece completely off. And now all the red spots are sort of orangey with dirty little halos.
I think a trip to Home Depot for some ceiling paint is in my future.
I hate popcorn ceilings for that very reason. :)
What fun!!
Just leave it up there & see how many people ask who/what you have been killing in your kitchen..you could have alot of good stories (haha)
If it were up to me, I'd scrape every bit of the popcorn off of our ceilings, but then I'm sure that all the sheetrock flaws would drive me nuts!
I wish I COULD leave the stains up there, but I think it would keep me up at night. ;) I don't know how soon I'll get around to touching it up, though ... hopefully by the end of the month!
They make a roll-on patch 'paint' that may blend in with your existing paint color. Take it from someone who has had to patch a ceiling - it's an even longer story that ended with a person-sized hole....
Same thing happened to me except it ws a bowlful of grits that I dropped while getting them out of the microwave. Just FYI... grits multiply by the thousands when not in a bowl.
I am just impressed that you used the correct term "blood spatter" as opposed to the incorrect term "splatter". That shows you are a true CSI expert.
[SWOON] I can't believe I just got a crime-scene compliment from a real crime-scene expert. All that James Patterson-David Baldacci drivel I read has FINALLY paid off.
My goodness -- that was a real thriller there. Blood on the ceiling is definitely a first. You mentioned you would like to decorate the boys' rooms. I would be happy to help you. If you would like to send me some pics via email @ bobbypinsboardwalk@yahoo.com, perhaps I could send you a few ideas -- just let me know what the boys enjoy. Anyway-- I know you are very busy, but I think you're pretty creative too, so feel free to email me and I'll see if I can give you a few tricks for those rooms.
Also -- I'm with you. I have those ceilings throughout my entire house. If only there were an easy way to remove them!
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