2. Over at Antique Mommy, she posted The Ten Commandments of Entertaining, which is basically some FABULOUS tips on Ways to be a Gracious Host(ess). And then she followed up with Ways to be a Gracious Guest. I'm not saying I ADHERE to all of them ALL of the time, but I think they're well-thought-out and pretty comprehensive. I think they should be required reading for all of humanity.
3. The Nester is doing a series this month titled 31 Days to a Better Dressed Nest. It's all about doing one thing a day to make your home more "you" or more comfortable, more livable for your family. I'm loving it.
4. Ree is doing a series on Christmas gift ideas, and earlier this week she posted an item about The Cake Pan Lady. I think one of these pans would make a great gift for someone in your life who does a lot of cooking or baking ... ESPECIALLY if they're one of Those People who take casseroles to the infirm or those who recently pushed a baby out of their front bottom. The Cake Pan Lady has holiday designs:

... and non-holiday designs.

5. And lastly, I just want to link over to Melanie at BigMama and Darby at Fly Through Our Window. They write the blogs I am enjoying the most right now (other than Patrice, of course). Melanie posts daily, Darby a little less often, and I've been reading them for a long time. Melanie makes me laugh, no matter what she's writing about. She's raising a daughter who is basically a clone of her husband, complete with a love of hunting and disdain for pretty clothes and accessories. Darby has the most beautiful children I've ever seen. She's a wonderful photographer, a devoted mom and has a BEAUTIFUL blog. I also read her identical twin sister Erika's blog. Erika just had her first baby -- a girl named Sloane -- and she looks more like Darby than any of Darby's kids do! Anyway, I get so much enjoyment out of them that I wanted to share.
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