Sep 23, 2009

Minus 15

So I only lost six ounces over the last week.



Sometimes it definitely seems as though the ends do not justify the means. If I need to put a finer point on it: THIS IS ONE OF THOSE TIMES.

I have been trying really hard to come up with things I've learned every week since I started this diet named after a woman who is probably already plenty thin. This week, I've got nothin'.

I'm not discouraged enough to cheat, or to quit, but I definitely don't have any more to say about my progress right now. I'll have to be content with an even 15 pounds, and move on down the tracks.

Here's hoping that next week is REMARKABLE.


Sarah T. said...

15 pounds is a TON of weight, especially for a shorty like you! You're doing awesome!

shanemotb Shane, mommy of twin boys said...

You are doing AMAZING! It is so hard to stick with something like this especially when you are discouraged! Way to go, and I know you will get great numbers later!

Dad said...

Katherine, you're doing great! Don't get discouraged--keep at it and the results will come.

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Thanks for the continued encouragement! It always helsp to know that people are pulling for me. And also, it keeps me accountable because I don't want to have to answer to my bloggy friends if I announced that I was quitting. :)

Unknown said...

You are doing great. You inspired me to join weight watchers again. How much are you trying to lose?

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

Kim, I'm trying for 40 pounds, so I'm a third of the way there. Forty actually seems more attainable now than it did when I started.

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