The orange construction barrels that had been keeping me off of my beloved under-construction SuperTarget's property were removed! And I was able to drive into the parking lot (and risk my life to get these pictures. DO YOU SEE THOSE STORM CLOUDS?)
Mind you, there are some pesky orange BARRIERS that are still keeping me from getting up close and personal with the store, but we are now able to be close enough to smell the Retail Sweetness emanating from those automatic sliding glass doors. (THIS STORE IS THE BELLA SWAN TO MY EDWARD CULLEN, PEOPLE.)
SEE? I got thisclose to the Shiny! New! Front Entrance! (Hello, SuperTarget interior designers. 1981 called, and it would like its red neon half-circles back, please.) Too bad they couldn't find a red Port-o-Potty to coordinate better with the store. That blue one really sticks out like a sore thumb.
I can't say I wasn't tempted to just floor the minivan and bust through those orange barriers to get closer, but I definitely don't want to be barred from the property on Grand Opening Day this fall.
After all, SOMEONE has to go buy the $100 gift card that will be randomly awarded to one of you, right?
WOOHOO!! I'm counting down the days, too!
I thought about you as I was wandering the aisles of the SuperTarget today with a screaming two-year-old. Somehow it's not so shiny and happy when you're searching for tube socks to stuff down your child's throat. :-)
You're going there opening day? You crazy.
Why do you insist on making me covet?
Heather, I know! I would LOVE to literally be counting down the days, but (to answer your e-mail question), no, they still haven't set an actual date for the grand opening.
Erin, I definitely don't enjoy the SuperTarget experience as much when I have my kids in tow. Of course, it's still better than a sharp stick in the eye, but I much prefer the relaxed aisle strolling of a shopper without her children.
SET, I haven't decided about the ACTUAL opening day yet. Depends on the day of the week and what time I could get there. I'm not a masochist ...
Patrice, it's my new hobby!
I love our super target. I was so excited that we have one close to us.
Rachel, I'm envious, but I don't have much longer to wait!
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