Aug 22, 2009

Quick Poll: chairs

I am always curious about other people's design choices. I'm not in the market for a new chair, but if YOU were, which of the following would best suit you?

Chair 1

Chair 2

Chair 3

Chair 4

Chair 5


RLR said...

#2 is a close second for me - I chose #3. I just envision all of the crumbs that could get caught in the ... what do you call that part with the buttons on the back of #2? ... in that part and decided, FOR SURE, #3 is the one for me. Plus, I like lower sides/arms on #3.

Sarah T. said...

I love brown leather chairs, but that first one looks like Batman's version of a brown leather chair.

I wouldn't buy any of these chairs for myself, so I felt disingenuous voting on one. This is more what gets me drooling:

It's not just beautiful, it's also a recliner. Yum.

Patrice said...

There's no way I can vote...

#2 for comfort

#3 for appearance

Katherine @ Grass Stains said...

I think it's funny that most people chose #3, which is also my favorite. It's not practical at this stage in my life to have fabric like that, but one day if I ever have a sunroom, I'd love to put four chairs just like that in it. I'd have drapes made in a white canvas with a two-inch green stripe around the edges to coordinate with the chairs. :)

RLR, I think that's called "tufting," but I'm really no expert.

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