Last night after the boys had gone to bed, Nathaniel came and knocked on the bathroom door while I was in the shower:
"Mommy, when you get out of the shower, can you come to my room so we can pray for Ellie? I want to be sure God's taking good care of her in Heaven."
So after I finished up, I went to their room, and Nathaniel ran downstairs to get Grayson (and Jake) because he wanted all of us to pray for her together. He asked me to start, so I prayed:
"Dear Lord, I hope Ellie has found a big window with sun streaming through it up there, and that she has a warm spot to sleep. I pray that she found the perfect cardboard box to play and sleep in, and that she found a friend who will help her play with a string. Those are her very favorite things, and I hope she's found them there."
Nathaniel went next: "Dear Lloyd, I hope Ellie is happy in Heaven. I hope she has found lots of friends to play with and that You are taking very good care of her. I miss her. Amen."
Then Nathaniel asked Grayson to pray: "Dear Lord, I hope You are feeding Ellie lots of little marshmallows. We had to stop giving them to her a long time ago, but they were her very favorite thing. Amen."
I asked Nick if he wanted to pray for her, and he said he did: "Dear Lahd, I hope Ellie found a box. Amen."
So, everyone is still thinking about Ellie, Nathaniel probably most of all. Little things remind us all of her each day, and tomorrow as we take time to count our blessings, I'll be grateful for all the happy moments she brought into our lives.

What a beautiful cat! She had the most beautiful coloring! Rich and I lost our beloved Pekingese Cleo in February. She was also 12 years old. When Rich read about your cat, he was crying his heart out. We both miss Cleo so much. You are in our thoughts and prayers and wish you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Pat Argo
Pat, Thanks for your comment! I am so sorry to hear about Cleo! Of course I remember her; you got her when I was working with Rich at BellSouth. I know you miss her; thanks for checking in on the blog! Tell Rich I said hello.
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